

Magic Valley Lacrosse

Join the fast and most fun sport in the valley! Magic Valley LaCrosse is forming teams. Equipment is provided. Pick up a flier in the office or call or text Rob Sturgill at 208-731-6011. 

Track: Optional throwers practice today

There will be an optional throwers only practice Monday after school. The high school coaches and athletes will be here to help the throwers.

Straight Out of Stuart: Episode 8

The hard-working student news show class released episode #8 this week.  Some of the highlights from this week’s episode: Local weather report. History of Shoshone Falls. How to dye an Easter egg. ISAT pep assembly. Watch and enjoy!

Library Deadlines

Last day to check out books: May 9th All books due back to the library: May 12th

Students-of-the-Week: 4/18-4/22

Student Poetry at RSMS

Students in the 8th grade Language Arts classes have been working on a unit about poetry.  Part of their work has involved writing their own poetry.  Their work has been posted and shared around RSMS.  Check it out!  

Math ISAT This Week

RSMS students will be taking the Math ISAT between Tuesday, April 19 and Friday, April 22.   Be sure to do the following in preparation: Complete the math review materials supplied by your teacher. Get plenty of rest. Eat breakfast. Take your time filling in your answers. Have a great 2nd week of ISAT testing Bears!

First Week of ISAT Testing Complete

Congratulations to all our students for completing the first week of ISAT testing.  Great job doing your best on the Language Arts portion.  Next week Math!  Have a great weekend.

RSMS Team Participates in the Idaho Exhibition of Ideas (IDX)

Last Friday, April 8th, a team of students from Robert Stuart Middle School traveled to Pocatello to participate in the 2022 Idaho Exhibition of Ideas (IDX).  This was the culmination of 10 weeks of work designing a solution to problems faced by astronauts in space.  This year’s team members were: Aubry Olsen Peyton Saldana Annika...

PTO Meeting

PTO Meeting Wednesday, April 13th at 6 pm in the library. This will be our last meeting for the year. Please join us if you would be interested in helping with staff appreciation week in May. 

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