School policies

Computer Lab

All computers and chromebooks are to be used with an educational focus. Students may only be allowed on websites or programs that are related to their classroom content. No web-based or online games will be allowed unless approved by a school administrator. Music streaming sites are not allowed including YouTube or Pandora. Teachers may play music for the class. YouTube may be used for course content specific searches. Students who violate said policy will lose computer privileges and shall be referred to school administration.

Cell Phones 

Electronic devices are not to be used at RSMS during the school day (8:35 am – 3:50 pm). Students may not use electronic devices in the hallways during passing periods or during any class. Such devices include, but are not limited to iPods/mp3 players, video games, laser pointers, cell phones, etc. Cell phones must be in student lockers or backpacks.

If any electronic device is seen or heard by staff, it will be confiscated. If an electronic device is confiscated the student may pick that device up from the school on the first offense. On the second offense, a parent must come to the school to pick up the device.


Every locker must have a lock on the locker and be locked.

Food & Drink

Food and drinks are only allowed in the cafeteria. Not outside, hallways, or bleachers.